According to Patanjali’s yoga sutras, cleanliness of the body and mind is the first of the nyamas which are the ethics codes, the second set of principles in the eight limbs of yoga (asanas, postures, are the third, the first two are moral codes and ethics towards ourself and our environment) Back in Singapore I didn't bother myself with house chores. As most people around we had a helper so I wasn't involve in the details, just set the work frame. Here in Israel, a society who doesn’t believe in the concept of helpers i face different angle. . Besides the grounding aspect of cleaning it reminds me of my old days back in design school, where we always quoted Mise Van De rohe’s phrase ’God is in the details’ Form simple house chores you can learn so much about the people around you, their habits, preferences, guilty pleasures, feelings and altitude. . Still hope to find help for once a week but besides that think I'll stick with it, at least for a while. (Yes, big tree & my herbs are here too. Same thing different location) .